SKYACTIV Technology
SKYACTIV Technology

What is SKYACTIV technology?

We wanted to create a car that made no compromise between fuel economy and performance, and SKYACTIV technology made that dream a reality. With this, we have been able to maintain the power and productivity of our cars and ensure a low amount of waste. Also, new transmissions and lightweight construction make Mazda models both a sports car and a comfortable high-class car. These were achieved thanks to Mazda's new SKYACTIV technology.

SKYACTIV technology — the future is here

SKYACTIV means emphasizing every detail of the car, from the engine to the chassis, from the body to the transmission.


The new generation high-efficiency direct injection SKYACTIV-G 2.0 gasoline engine opens its doors to the world of passion with ecological, safe handling.
SKYACTIV-G 2.0 is the new only for fuel consumption and exhaust gas control. not only is it a standard set, it's also an amplifier of the Zoom-Zoom quality that makes Mazda a driver's favorite around the world. A wide range of technical advances, including a 4-2-1 pipe exhaust system, piston clearance and multi-hole injectors, achieved an unusual compression ratio of 14:0:1 for the first time in the world. For you, this means more fuel economy thanks to quieter engine running and improved higher revs. Gone are the days when you had to choose between fuel economy and top speed, because you'll now get the best of both with SKYACTIV-G 2.0.


The high-performance six-speed gearbox combines the best of every modern transmission. The cranking range is extended, and thus you enjoy the speed by feeling the connection of the manual transmission directly with the smooth shifting of the gear. However, as a kind of reward, SKYACTIV-DRIVE shows its positive effect on fuel consumption.


The new generation six-speed manual transmission SKYACTIV-MT offers the same positive effects and changes as in the Mazda MX-5 sports car. Innovative engineering has achieved a 15% reduction in size and weight, and approximately 1% fuel savings due to improved internal friction loss reduction.


The goal is to achieve lower weight with better safety and higher rigidity performance in structures and materials optimized with talented technology. As a result, SKYACTIV-KUZOVU is 30% stronger, 8% lighter and capable of meeting the world's most stringent safety requirements. This also helps achieve a quieter cabin.


SKYACTIV-CHASSIS, designed to more fully realize Mazda's famous concept of car and driver unity, was formed as a result of a comprehensive improvement of the suspension and steering system basics. It provides a balance between low, medium and high speed limits and, at the same time, a high level of comfort of movement.