Original Spare Parts
Original Spare Parts

It is enough to send the VIN and the names of the necessary parts in the request.

Sales consultant: Tural Abbaszade
Mob/WhatsApp: +99451 225 87 51
Email: tural.abbaszade@groupmotors.az

For accurate information, you can contact the spare parts warehouse with your vehicle's VIN number.
tarlan.orujov@groupmotors.az, 012 349 01 00 ext. 121.

Request for spare parts

Use only original spare parts – nothing compares to the original.

We provide a 2-year warranty on spare parts and repairs.

7 additional reasons for using original spare parts.

  • All original spare parts are designed to fit specific models without dispute.
  • The materials of each part meet high standards, which increases the durability of the part and ensures long-term functional requirements
  • Genuine parts are precision made and tested by highly professional engineers to ensure fit, proper and high performance.
  • All original parts come in a sealed box and with quality certificates.
  • Highly experienced and professional personnel give your cars a long life with the help of original spare parts.
  • When you use original parts, you will save money by reducing repair costs and, as a result, you will get a long-term car operation.
  • Obtaining original parts from an official distributor guarantees you a happy and trouble-free vehicle operation.